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Emmanuel Church Plymouth

local community 

young people

Image by Jelleke Vanooteghem

toddler tunes

Monday afternoons in school term time sees local parents, carers and tiny toddlers, joining together in church for friendship, support, play, fun, refreshments, dancing and actions to songs. A great time to meet new friends and support one another.


Click here if you are interested in helping with this ministry.

monthly madness

midweek monthly madness

A themed after school fun hour in the church hall together for primary school aged children where they can park their parents for tea & cake and join their friends in the theme related activities. Past themes have included Dr. Who, Star Wars, Sonic, Harry Potter, Pirates and Narnia!


Click here for more information or to help with this ministry. 

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holiday club 2024

Holiday club is for anyone of primary school age.


A breakfast club is avaliable and starts at 8:00, an added cost of £10 per child for the week is required as well as booking.

£35 per child for the whole week, siblings at a discount of £25 per child. If finances are an issue, but you would still like your child to attend, please contact Holly.(


Click here to sign up.


Deadline July 8th 2024

We are limiting the numbers to 80 places this year on a first come first served basis.. Once your place is applied for we will be in touch to let you know if you secured a place and how to make your payment.

Holiday Club

The Treat!

At Halloween, evening of Trick or Treat, we offer to our younger community and parents, a fun-filled hall of pumpkins, lasers, mazes, smoke, hot dogs and blazing light. All to celebrate The Light of the World rather than the world of darkness. No tricks, just the treat!


Click here for more information or to help with this ministry.

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Image by Mael BALLAND

scouts and guides

Attached to our church and meeting in our church hall, our Scouting and Guides groups meet weekly.


Click here for more information or to help with this ministry.




Each week, one of our clergy take an assembly at Compton CofE VC Primary School which forms a regular contact with the children who often use our church building for various events. The School are always happy to help advertise our children's events.


After School Club

Each Wednesday, after school assembly, our children's worker leads a Christian after school club.


Click here for more information or to help with this ministry.

child contact

Child Contact

Child Contact

Child Contact, run twice a month, is an Emmanuel initiative led by members of the congregation and local community to enable parents, otherwise separated by court ruling, to meet under supervision.


It is the only place they can do this for free in Plymouth.


Click here for more information or to help with this ministry.

Food Ministry

St Paul's Food Aid

Our sister church, St Paul's Efford, run a year-round larder for their surrounding community. Also, at Christmas, they distribute 60-70 hampers of festive food. Emmanuel participates in this ministry by collecting food in church and from outlets in the City.


Click here if you are interested in helping with this ministry.

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care home ministry

There are many residential care homes in the parish. While clergy visit individuals, members of the congregation form teams to conduct simple services during the year and carol services around Christmas.


Click here if you are interested in helping with this ministry.

Tea break

A weekly Friday afternoon opportunity for local seniors to meet in our church hall over tea and cake, hear a speaker, participate in various activities, and sometime go on local trips together. Great for them, great for the church to engage with local commmunity.


Click here for more information or to help with this ministry.

Tea Time
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Craft and chatter

On Monday mornings, meeting in the church Oval Room from 11.30am for craft and chatter! Bring your hobby, whatever it is, sit round the table and chat.


Click here for more information

strawberry tea

An annual favourite towards the end of summer - an open house at the home of one of our congregation. Details will appear in the weekly notice sheet.


Click here for more information.

Fresh Baked Scones


Social Calendar

One of the aspirations of our church is to be one big family. Our Social Calendar is available on a tri-fold card in church. It has events every month which variously suit every age and stage of life!


You're welcome at everything, whoever you are!



Each year we hold summer (June) and Christmas (November) fairs. An opportunity to engage with and serve our local community, and normally to raise some funds for missions we sponsor.



As Christmas approaches, we spend a family Friday Dickensian evening in the church grounds singing carols, sipping glühwein, playing games and welcoming Father Christmas. Another chance to engage with and serve our local community.

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