learn more about our Children's and youth groups, and if you want more information get in touch

Mini Explorers
3 to 5yrs
Mini Exploreres meet in our Church hall. They start initially in our main 10.30 service then head out with the other kids groups. They have sensory play and story time and singing.
5 to 10yrs
KingzKidz meet in our church hall. They start initially in our main 10.30 service in church and then, after coming forward to tell us what they are doing, have a prayer and depart for their own activities and learning. They re-join us at the communion rail or, in morning prayer, during the last hymn.

11 to 13yrs
Similarly to KingzKidz, Pathfinders have their own in service activities.
13 to 17yrs
Bereans (see Acts 17!) meet during the evening service in the youth room, after starting briefly in the church.

11 to 17yrs
Meets weekly in term time in the church hall. We share a meal together, games, and a time of discussion
ToDdler Tunes
Fun and friendship for Under 5s and their Parents & Carers
1.30pm every Monday (in term time)

Holiday Club 2024
Wow…what a fabulous week for Holiday Club 2024!
On the theme of “The Quest”, almost 80 children from our local community enjoyed five days of drama, craft workshops, Bible teaching, singing and worshipping together, in the company of over 40 volunteer helpers from the church congregation.
Such a delight to see so many smiling faces. And to finish the week…a free barbecue in the church grounds!!
Thank you to all the parents who fed back such positive comments afterwards, and special thanks to all the amazing volunteers who ensured the message of the Light of the World was communicated to the youngsters with such passion and fun.
Look out on our website for details of 2025’s Holiday Club – open to all children of primary school age.